Natural ingredients
Choosing natural isn’t a trend for us, it’s the foundation that we built Amanzi Soaps upon. Every product we make it toxin-free and 100% natural.
Only handmade
Each of our products is thoughtfully created by hand with ingredients selected and paired for the ultimate nourishing experience.Â
Quality driven
Instead of focusing on how we want the end product to look, we pick our ingredients based on the nutritive benefits we want them to have.
Amanzi, inspired by water & legend
Legend has it that in the late 1800’s, King Shaka and his all-conquering Zulu army were on the march down the east coast of South Africa. After a long day’s march in the hot African sun, they came upon a river. Tasting the water from the river Shaka exclaimed “Amanzi amtoti!!” (The water is sweet).
Decades later a town rose up in this area and was named Amanzimtoti, after the great Kings exclamation. It was in this town that my husband and I grew up and raised our daughter and son. In 1999 we immigrated to Canada where we have been ever since.
It is from these humble beginnings, and the abundance of water surrounding Amanzimtoti, that we have created our business, Amanzi Soaps.